Alcohol Abuse: Signs and Symptoms

Knowledge can truly be power, especially to help someone get better. Learn more about alcohol abuse: signs & symptoms

Helping yourself - or a loved one - recover when suffering from alcohol abuse can be a heavy task, especially if you don't know where to start or how to approach the situation. But, thankfully, there are many programs with multidisciplinary experts available to help you.

Alcoholism, alcohol abuse or alcohol addiction is a chronic disease, characterized by a compulsive and uncontrollable need to consume alcohol.

Unfortunately, it is one of these diseases that you can't miraculously cure, but it can be controlled and you can learn to live a happy, healthy life, free of the substance. It is a daily choice, but with the right program and tools you can make it happen.

Signs of alcohol abuse and alcoholism affect an estimated 3 million people per year, in the U.S. alone and it can be chronic, and even last for a lifetime if not addressed.

But, with the many available treatment options, you can have the certainty that once you are able to identify the following signs and symptoms, you can be matched to the best program, to fit your particular needs and help you get better.

Some of the most common signs of alcohol abuse include:

  • Repeated alcohol consumption, despite knowing the harmful consequences
  • Lying about your drinking or trying to hide it
  • Drinking in isolation
  • Having regular episodes of memory loss or blackouts
  • Neglecting responsibilities, deadlines and relationships
  • Trying to quit, but unable to actually pull through
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms hours after your last drink

The most physical telling signs may include:

  • Slurred or incoherent speech
  • Delayed reflexes and reactions
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Red eyes and face
  • Poor balance
  • Stomachache and headache

While these signs of alcohol abuse are very common, some high-functioning addicts can still appear to be doing alright in every aspect of their lives and have everything under control.

High functioning addicts that struggle with alcohol abuse will often joke about having a drinking problem, or will get defensive if accused of it. Those are also telling signs that someone may be in trouble.

Unfortunately, in order to get stable and better, a person that struggles with alcohol abuse will have to go through detoxification in order to get rehabilitated.

Detox from alcohol can bring a number of withdrawal symptoms that, if mishandled or untreated, can have fatal consequences. Some of those symptoms may include:

  • Shaking of the hands and body (tremors)
  • Heavy sweating
  • Changes in body temperature
  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Seizures
  • Insomnia

It is of extreme importance to detox under medical care and supervision, because these symptoms can turn severe if not given the proper attention and/or medication (when necessary). Many addicts that try to quit alone will go into cardiac arrest, suffer respiratory failure, fall into a coma or even die.

Alcohol abuse can be treated and controlled and you can recover your life. A good, high-quality rehabilitation program will provide the right tools so you can achieve sobriety.

In general terms, after a detox, your rehabilitation program will include psychotherapy and addiction education, learning new coping skills and mechanisms to prevent relapse and developing an after-care plan that will ensure your long-term compromise to being clean.

If you wish to learn more about alcohol abuse, or you are ready to take the first step into getting help for yourself - or a loved one - call today at (877) 804-1531 and speak to one of the counselors in total confidentiality.






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